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This website is a showcase of the various projects and activities I get up to. You will find technology projects in various stages of completion, galleries of artworks, tutorials, and digital content to play with. To find the latest additions to the site, see the “What’s New” page.
You can navigate through the website using the main section pages linked below, the categories, listed over there to the right, and also tags on each article to link to other related articles. My contact details can be found on the About Me webpage.
Have fun.
The Latest Article
Writing Flawed Secondary Characters
I recognised a weakness in my own writing which was writing characters that were too much like myself. For the topic in March 2025, the Hurunui Writers' Group discussed writing flawed secondary and background characters. Often I capture articles from around the web to put my own topic articles together, but in this case I struggled to find articles on flawed secondary characters, so I had to create this one based on creating flawed primary characters.Read More ....
Tech Projects
I have a notebook full of ideas and a desire to share them, this section of the website is devoted to getting these ideas out there. Some of the projects are in development and so will be updated over time as they mature. Where possible all project files have been included or at least links provided to locations where they are currently residing.
Art Projects
With an eclectic range of art forms providing me entertained enough to stay off the streets there are plenty of things to show. There are a number of galleries linked off this page. You will find drawings, rendered images, and sculpture.
Writing Projects and Tools
Here you will find a number of writing projects including short stories, cartoons, interactive fiction, and various tools I use to help come up with ideas for stories.
I have produced a number of games of various types using the Blender Game Engine and the Godot Game Engine as well as some tabletop games. This page presents these projects together with links to download them.
The Models page showcases a number of my modelling projects including 3D printable models. These projects are described in detail and have links for downloading the project files.
This section is devoted to providing tutorials on various technology, software, or art based projects.
Random Stuff
And then I needed somewhere to chuck all the really random stuff that I wanted to share. So here it is the Random Stuff pages. You will find recipes for wine, software tools, travel information, and essays. Did I mention it was all a bit random?